You love your teenager, but you feel like you have no idea how you’re going to make it through the teen years.
Adolescence is a difficult time for almost everyone!
In addition to the physical changes occurring, it can be a challenge to navigate social drama, relationships, and identity.
Your teen is struggling with life’s many challenges. Perhaps it is one of these:
- Social anxiety
- Anxiety and worry about grades and the future
- Bullying, social skills, and friendship issues
- Changes in the family (including divorce, blending 2 families, new child being born, etc.)
- Difficulty identifying and managing emotions
- Self-esteem

I work with teens between the ages of 13-19 in Forest Hill, MD and online.
You want a good relationship with your teenager, but your once-talkative child doesn’t tell you anything. You long for the days when you thought your child would never stop talking, but you never anticipated total silence. When your teen isn’t being silent, it’s nothing but attitude, all the time, over seemingly small things.
Maybe… your teen is spending all their time in their bedroom, laying in bed, in the dark, and endlessly scrolling through social media on their phone. They rarely come out of their room to engage with you or the rest of the family, unless, of course, they need food, money, or a ride somewhere… Maybe…your teen wants more independence, but is unsure how to show that they’re READY for this independence. They respond angrily when you try to instill expectations and set some limits, and say, “Other kids get to…” Sometimes, this anger leads to poor and even unsafe decision-making. Maybe…your teen has been deeply affected by changes in their family dynamic; when parents separate or divorce, and when new families are formed. Sibling rivalry may become an issue, which can result in increased tension and fighting in the household. Maybe… your teen is being bullied or having a difficult time liking what they see in the mirror. They compare themselves constantly to their peers and the reels on Instagram and TikTok videos, and regard what others say as absolute truths. Maybe…your teen puts a lot of pressure on themselves to get excellent grades, while working part time, participating in sports, and being involved in student government or theater. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and exhausted in the pursuit of perfection. If you’re reading this and nodding your head or thinking, oh my gosh, THIS SOUNDS JUST LIKE MY TEENAGER, then I can help. |
Parenting can be rewarding again!
More insight, improved relationships, well-adjusted teens
- Your teen will spend time outside of their room actually talking to you and the rest of their family- with RESPECT! Decreased yelling and attitude- who doesn’t want that?!
- Your teen will build self-confidence and grades, leading to more HAPPINESS and better self-esteem
- Your teen will improve their physical and mental health
- Your teen will learn how to advocate for their wants and needs
My approach
- Providing compassion and validation- giving teens a safe place to discuss school, family, friends, and anything else on their minds
- Identifying feelings and emotions, and learning what to do with these, by teaching coping strategies and self-care
- Building self-esteem- one of the most important life skills that can be taught, this includes discussing and identifying cognitive distortions and practicing resilience
- Practicing social skills to help navigate through challenging relationships- can set the stage for establishing and maintaining positive relationships for life
Therapy for teens can help; here’s how
- Set them up for success by teaching life skills they will need in the future at school, work, and home
- Understand emotions and improve self-regulation
- Help parents understand how to support their teens
- Feel better about themselves by building their confidence
- Effective communication strategies for when life- inevitably- throws a curveball (or three)