Therapy for busy, stressed out, Gen-X, millennial, and Gen-Z women in Forest Hill and throughout Maryland
Being a woman in today’s world is hard work!
You’re a busy woman trying to manage ALL THE THINGS and stay afloat.
When you were a child or teen, you couldn’t wait to grow up and be an adult: The freedom, no school, having money! And then you actually BECAME an adult, and realized that adulthood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Maybe…you are struggling to manage a stressful, demanding job. Your boss is always on you about SOMETHING, your inbox is overflowing and your phone never stops ringing and dinging with things that require immediate attention, at all hours of the day.
Maybe…you are struggling in your role as a mom or mother figure. My kid didn’t come with an instruction manual; did yours? As soon as you get through sleep deprivation, teething, and potty training, here comes the constant running around of sports and after-school activities; and let’s not even TALK about common core math or puberty!
Maybe…you are simply drowning in all of the household responsibilities and being the “chaos coordinator” for your family. Paying bills, maintaining a clean house, dealing with home repairs, paying the taxes, scheduling doctors appointments, saving for retirement, the LAUNDRY that never ends and seems to multiply while everyone is (finally) sleeping…
Maybe…you are the primary caregiver for your elderly (or ill) family members. You now have the unenviable job of making medical decisions, being an unpaid nurse, managing their finances, and perhaps trying to obtain long-term care for them and/or even selling their house.
If you’re reading this and nodding your head or thinking, THIS SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME, then I can help.
You can learn how to make yourself a priority.
More insight, improved relationships, balance in your life
- You will learn how to manage stress
- You will learn how to make time for self-care
- You will learn how to advocate for yourself and your needs
- You’ll have time to do whatever YOU need to do in your session- cry, vent, process, laugh, brainstorm meal ideas in a supportive environment…
- I will provide compassion, empathy, and validation- giving you a safe place to discuss home, work, family, current events, and anything else on your mind
- I will help you identify feelings and emotions, and learn what to do with these (coping strategies)
- I will help you increase your confidence- one of the most important life skills that can be taught, this includes discussing and identifying cognitive distortions and practicing resilience
- I will teach you to practice effective communication to manage difficult situations and get your needs met

Therapy can help; here’s how
- Better interpersonal relationships
- Improved boundaries
- Enhanced physical and mental health